This hand made piece of K9 gear will be ready within 4 weeks.
The Snub Grip is a small handle to be used for control in close proximity to your dog.
It can be kept in your pocket or clipped onto your gear to grab when needed.
The gripped handle makes it easy to use at night or whilst wearing gloves so you can keep positive control when you need to move your K9 partner from the car, the kennel, a bit or anywhere you need to move!
ToughTek Grip to avoid slippage
Steel snap clip for single hand use
Small size for easy stowage
Load rated materials for strength
Inbuilt swivel to avoid twists
Easily store the Snug Grip on your belt or hardpoint (left) or simply in your pocket for easy access (right).
Keep it close by for emergencies, short notice moves, enclosed spaces or when your primary lead has gone down!